Saturday, September 26, 2020

The Wizard's Craftbook: Magical DIY Crafts Inspired by Harry Potter


The Wizard's Craftbook: Magical DIY Crafts Inspired by Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, The Lord of the Rings, The Wizard of Oz, and More! Hardcover – March 17, 2020

Bring the magic wherever you go with these wizard-inspired crafts!
Abracadabra! Now you too can reveal your inner wizard with these fantastical crafts inspired by your favorite witches and wizards from Shakespeare, Disney, Harry Potter, and more! Dazzle your friends and family with creative decorations for your home or apartment or charm a significant other with the perfect gift. Nerds and geeks of all shapes and sizes will be under the spell of these witchy crafts. With fifty different projects and ideas, The Wizard’s Craftbook will have you dusting off your potions and alchemy sets and constructing amazing creations such as:

  • Owl Post Packages (Harry Potter)
  • Maleficent's Staff (Sleeping Beauty)
  • Black Flame Candle (Hocus Pocus)
  • The White Witch's Ice Wand (The Chronicles of Narnia)
  • Enchanted Rose Bath Bomb (Beauty and the Beast)
  • Wicked Witch's Hat (The Wizard of Oz)
  • Gandalf's Fireworks (The Lord of the Rings)
  • And many, many more!
With easy-to-follow instructions and templates, you’ll find projects you can complete whether you’re just a first year student or an ancient scholar. No curses or hexes will penetrate the perfection of these magical crafts. Simply scan the QR codes within these pages to access templates and how-to videos.

Any witch or wizard in your life, no matter their age, will enjoy the creating (or receiving) the crafts contained in this enchanted book. So break out your wand and sorcerer’s hat (or make your own) and start crafting some magic with The Wizard’s Craftbook!


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